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Our Mission


Who We Are:

We are a community called to share God’s grace by loving our neighbor and caring for God’s creation.


What We Do:

We accomplish our mission by: worshiping our Triune God, providing faith formation for all ages, fostering authentic community life, partnering with local, national, and global agencies that care for all people, and faithfully using our resources.


We are a member church of the PCUSA.

Children's Church


Children ages 3 years and up are invited to gather for a children's message during the sermon. Afterward they return to their family.







If you discover during worship that your 0-5 year olds need space to wiggle and play, and you need to step out, we have a nursery available in the main hall for your convenience.



Faith Formation


During the school year we have options for children, including Children's Church (ages 3 years and up) during worship and First Thursday Gatherings for all ages.







Community Life


Spend some time with us!

WE are Grace Church!

Common Grounds Coffee served following worship services.....stay and enjoy a cup!




Worship Services

We gather for worship services Sundays at 9:30a.

People of all ages and abilities are welcome!

Infants and children are always welcome in worship with their families.  



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Sunday Mornings, 9:30am. Join Us!

For Sunday's archived worship

click here:

(you do not need a Facebook account to view)


Sunday May 26, 2024​


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Check our Facebook page for more content!

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